Poi Poi Poi !!!

Very One CMK


Good day Great Britain and Japan.
There now follows an article in which I, David Sausage, will articulate to you, the Internet sufferer, my account of Osaka graffiti writer VERY.

I first met Mr. VERY in Busan, Korea, just South of Manchuria in the year 2003. Typical really since he’s always in one time and place or another, or somewhere else completely you wasn’t expecting. I’d been painting with the WONTAK crew locals Basara and the charming JIAL for a few months and they were pretty excited about this Very chap who would soon pay them a visit. Couldn’t see what all the hubbub was about. Yet when the locals piped down they showed me photos from the venerable young Mr. Very’s portfolio. Language certainly isn’t a barrier for this chap. A natural writer, swordsman and explorer par excellence. Quite the graffiti hero – his nom de plume “VERY” scrawled variously, vigourously, internationally with vim and gusto.

In the crumbliest, flakiest, most chocolatey of opinions of your humble writer, if there’s one role-model young Japanese writers should be aspiring toward today it is this stout fellow: VERY-san of Cream Monks Crew, hailing from Osaka, Japan.

Upon my setting of broad foot on these foreign shores, I made my wayward in the uppermost haste hasterness toward the humble abode of said gentleman residing in his Osaka mansion, on foot,, with my trusty translator Seiji,,, like a very proper British TWONK!


1) How did you start writing graffiti?

I started writing from the day I saw the movie WILD STYLE in 1996.

2) How did you find VERY as a tag name?

It was a nick name from Junior High school but I don’t really want to talk about the details.

3) How would you describe Japanese graffiti style, it seems related to L.A. style but what makes it unique?

I love the scene in Osaka because of its unique style and individuality. I don’t really think Osaka graffiti style is an LA style as such.



4) You have traveled a lot, where have you been and painted? and what was the best place?

South Korea (Seoul,Pusan), China (Shang Hai),Thailand (Bangkok), Philippines (Manila), Indonesia(Bali,Jakarta,Bandun), U.S. (LA,Long Beach, San Diego, SF, Seatle, Chicago, Indianapolis, NY), Canada (Vancouver, Montreal), Czech Republic (Prague, Buruno), Slovakia (Bratislava), Hungary (Budapest), Austria (Vienna). There are so many places so that’s the reason in a way I don’t really have a best or favourite.

5) Does an “Asian style” of graffiti exist? What makes graffiti in Asian countries different to the other countries you have visited?

The culture of graffiti has only just started in Asia but already, at the same time it is getting so big. There are so many young and rad artists out there. Their style is fresh too.

Having said that the scene in Japan should be more active.

6) You practice with Katana swords. Do you have a picture?

(Mr. Very’s sword name perhaps?!) Look here!

7) What’s your advice to young Japanese writers?

My advice to young Japanese writers? There are many fresh graffiti writers throughout Asia so it might be interesting if you just go out and connect with the freshest artists in Asia. If not, we’re all going to miss out.

8 ) Shout outs to…? (Dedications)

There are too many to thank. I always gets support from many others. Thanks to all of you.

9) When did you start your interest in Drum and Bass as a DJ?

I used to do Hip Hop as a DJ but then I found Drum and Bass in around ’98 and then I started playing that around that time. After that I have been playing and addicted to Dub Step since I first heard it in 2006.

Thank you VERY.


Very 日本語

1. どうしてグラフィティをはじめたのですか?

映画WILD STYLEを観た日に始めました、1996年。

2. Veryのタグネームの由来を教えてください。


3. 日本のグラフィテについてどう思われますか?若干LAスタイルにも類似していると思いますが、どこがユニークなのでしょう?


4. ベリーさんはよく旅行に行かれるということですが、行き先とボムした場所を教えてください。そしてどこの国がベストでしたか?


5. ”アジアンスタイル”のグラフィティというのは存在すると思いますか?アジアのグラフィティは旅先でのものと、どこが違うと感じますか?



6. 刀写真ください!


7. 若きグラフライター達に何かアドバイスはありますか?


8. 感謝したい作家達は・・・Shout out to・・・みたいな。


9. どうしてJungle, Dub Step Drum and Bassもはじめたのですか?

元々ヒップホップのDJをしてた、98年頃DRUM N BASSに衝撃を受けてそれからしばらくDRUM N BASSを回してた。
06年にDUB STEPに出会ってからはそれに夢中やね


Thank you VERY. Poi Poi Poi!

All photos copyright Veryone
from his Flickr: